First day of Spring 2025
Astronomical Season
SPRING EQUINOX (when both the length of the day and night are almost exactly 12 hours long.) Thursday, 20th March 2025
Meteorological Season
Spring begins a bit earlier if you go by the meteorological season, which is the first day of the month when an equinox or solstice takes place. So Spring begins on the 1st of March, 2025.
On average Spring lasts for 92.8 days.
On Christmas Day meteorological spring is only 66 days away!
XL seed propagator
If you are getting a gift for a gardener or someone with an allotment, you can't really go wrong with a propagator. Just two months time and the seed growing season will be starting. This propagator is twice the size of a standard version, with plenty of space for various seeds.
Garden and Nature Quiz Book
Evri order collection from collection point
Composting tips
Tips for making your own compost with all your autumn garden clippings and fallen leaves. Compost bins available in the Grow Your Own section.
Composting Tips
End of summer patio pond
As the summer draws to a close, why not create a small pond on your patio or decking with a ready made, easy to install patio pond. Just add to your patio or decking, and add some water and aquatic plants. It makes a nice feature, and will attract birds to your garden, as birds will drink from it, and bathe in it. Add a solar water fountain to create the soothing sound of running water, which you might still be able to enjoy if we have a sunny September and October.
115 litre patio pond
Half barrel patio pond
200 litre solar fountain with battery & LED light for night use.
Updated - Planters
NEW PRODUCT! Solar terracotta water cascade
This style of solar water feature has been popular for many years. It is perfect for balconies, patios and decking.